macos – From vim to nvim LazyVim – plugins assist wanted


transferring from my vim setup to LazyVim I’ve troubles to setup some plugins. Most vital can be a working plugin for {surround} like mini-surround, vim-surround (which I’m used to) or nvim-surround. Right here my tree – the plugins with _out I’m unable to load. I didn’t change any recordsdata from LazyVim beginning packages.

.config/nvim $ tree
├── filter
│   ├──
│  ...
├── init.lua
├── lazy-lock.json
├── lazyvim.json
├── lua
│   ├── config
│   │   ├── autocmds.lua
│   │   ├── keymaps.lua
│   │   ├── lazy.lua
│   │   └── choices.lua
│   └── plugins
│       ├── colorscheme_out
│       ├── devicons.lua
│       ├── instance.lua
│       ├── gruvbox.lua
│       ├── md-preview_out
│       ├── mini-surround_out
│       ├── mini.nvim_out
│       ├── nord-theme_out
│       ├── nvim-surround_out
│       ├── telekasten_out
│       ├── telescope_out
│       ├── treesitter.lua
│       └── vim-surround_out
├── stylua.toml

What I understood thus far: nvim/init.lua calls lua/lazy.lua calls all plugins in folder plugins. Okay my naive questions:

I would like a transparent colorscheme; I by no means understood the nerdy darkish mode. However I’m unable to activate it. For gruvbox plugin I attempted many variants. Really I’ve:

return {
  -- from
  -- added on 2024-08-11
  -- add gruvbox
  { "ellisonleao/gruvbox.nvim" },
  precedence = 1000,
  opts = {
    colorscheme = "gruvbox",
    -- type = "day", -- not working
    -- background = "mild", -- not working both

or in lua/lazy.lua I attempted with vim.o.background = "mild" which is working, however disables the colorscheme of gruvbox.

Error activating this plugins/gruvbox.lua config:

Didn't load `plugins.gruvbox`

~/.native/share/nvim/lazy/lazy.nvim/lua/lazy/core/fragments.lua:109: try to name technique 'discover' (a 0 worth)

# stacktrace:
  - lua/config/lazy.lua:20
  - init.lua:5

Now {surround}, which is my very query:

To make it not too lengthy, what’s in my file plugins/nvim-surround.lua:

return {
  -- new check on 2024-08-14
  -- not working
  model = "*",
  occasion = "VeryLazy",
  config = perform()
      -- Configuration right here, or go away empty to make use of defaults

Right here no begin error. LazyVim says, loaded and “already updated”, however the shortcuts usually are not working.

I’m manly utilizing vim for LaTeX and combined Markdown-Recordsdata, to provide books with pandoc or XeLaTeX

Is there a information or course of to assist with this particular migration?


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