apple silicon – Ansible M3 mac goal can’t edit /and so on/auto_master

My ansible controller is on a rocky linux 8 server. I’ve roles that edit recordsdata in /and so on/ on quite a lot of goal programs, all of which work high-quality.

Having simply up to date my Mac to 1 utilizing Apple Silicon, I now have a difficulty with ansible enhancing a minimum of certainly one of these recordsdata. Different recordsdata like /and so on/motd may be up to date high-quality, however the one inflicting points is /and so on/auto_master. When utilizing lineinfile or copy I get

- lineinfile:
    path:   /and so on/auto_master
    regexp: '/smb '
    line:   '/smb  auto_smb'
An exception occurred throughout activity execution. To see the total traceback, use -vvv. The error was: PermissionError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: b'/personal/and so on/.ansible_tmpddn15h8_auto_master' -> b'/personal/and so on/auto_master'
deadly: [bones]: FAILED! => {"modified": false, "msg": "Unable to make /var/root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-moduletmp-1716236197.813452-yh6r0une/tmpt6jgaqzr into to /personal/and so on/auto_master, failed closing rename from b'/personal/and so on/.ansible_tmpddn15h8_auto_master': [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: b'/personal/and so on/.ansible_tmpddn15h8_auto_master' -> b'/personal/and so on/auto_master'"}
I discover this unusual as I can manually edit the file, and in addition that this works high-quality on my earlier Intel Mac operating on the identical model of macOS.

One factor that’s completely different about automount is that it has the flexibility to create hyperlinks in /, which I can’t do because it claims it’s read-only. Maybe that is why this file is healthier protected, however doesn’t clarify a lot since I can manually make adjustments to the file, and the automation works high-quality on Intel…

I’ve given python3 (and some different issues) full disk entry, however this was not beforehand required, and makes no distinction.

There don’t look like any further acls on the file, and the listing has the identical as different Macs

root# ls -led@ /and so on /personal /personal/and so on /and so on/auto_master
lrwxr-xr-x@   1 root  wheel    11  7 Might 08:01 /and so on -> personal/and so on     0
-rw-r--r--    1 root  wheel   229 20 Might 01:18 /and so on/auto_master
drwxr-xr-x    6 root  wheel   192 14 Might 01:29 /personal
drwxr-xr-x  127 root  wheel  4064 20 Might 22:09 /personal/and so on

Any ideas on this?

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