Construct a real-time streaming generative AI software utilizing Amazon Bedrock, Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink, and Amazon Kinesis Knowledge Streams

Generative synthetic intelligence (AI) has gained numerous traction in 2024, particularly round massive language fashions (LLMs) that allow clever chatbot options. Amazon Bedrock is a totally managed service that provides a selection of high-performing basis fashions (FMs) from main AI firms similar to AI21 Labs, Anthropic, Cohere, Meta, Mistral AI, Stability AI, and Amazon by means of a single API, together with a broad set of capabilities that can assist you construct generative AI purposes with safety, privateness, and accountable AI. Use instances round generative AI are huge and go properly past chatbot purposes; as an example, generative AI can be utilized for evaluation of enter knowledge similar to sentiment evaluation of evaluations.

Most companies generate knowledge constantly in real-time. Web of Issues (IoT) sensor knowledge, software log knowledge out of your purposes, or clickstream knowledge generated by customers of your web site are just some examples of constantly generated knowledge. In lots of conditions, the flexibility to course of this knowledge rapidly (in real-time or close to real-time) helps companies improve the worth of insights they get from their knowledge.

One choice to course of knowledge in real-time is utilizing stream processing frameworks similar to Apache Flink. Flink is a framework and distributed processing engine for processing knowledge streams. AWS offers a totally managed service for Apache Flink by means of Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink, which lets you construct and deploy subtle streaming purposes with out establishing infrastructure and managing sources.

Knowledge streaming permits generative AI to reap the benefits of real-time knowledge and supply companies with speedy insights. This submit appears at how one can combine generative AI capabilities when implementing a streaming structure on AWS utilizing managed providers similar to Managed Service for Apache Flink and Amazon Kinesis Knowledge Streams for processing streaming knowledge and Amazon Bedrock to make the most of generative AI capabilities. We deal with the use case of deriving assessment sentiment in real-time from buyer evaluations in on-line outlets. We embrace a reference structure and a step-by-step information on infrastructure setup and pattern code for implementing the answer with the AWS Cloud Growth Package (AWS CDK). Yow will discover the code to attempt it out your self on the GitHub repo.

Answer overview

The next diagram illustrates the answer structure. The structure diagram depicts the real-time streaming pipeline within the higher half and the main points on the way you achieve entry to the Amazon OpenSearch Service dashboard within the decrease half.

Architecture Overview

The actual-time streaming pipeline consists of a producer that’s simulated by working a Python script regionally that’s sending evaluations to a Kinesis Knowledge Stream. The evaluations are from the Giant Film Assessment Dataset and comprise optimistic or adverse sentiment. The following step is the ingestion to the Managed Service for Apache Flink software. From inside Flink, we’re asynchronously calling Amazon Bedrock (utilizing Anthropic Claude 3 Haiku) to course of the assessment knowledge. The outcomes are then ingested into an OpenSearch Service cluster for visualization with OpenSearch Dashboards. We immediately name the PutRecords API of Kinesis Knowledge Streams throughout the Python script for the sake of simplicity and to cost-effectively run this instance. It is best to think about using an Amazon API Gateway REST API as a proxy in entrance of Kinesis Knowledge Streams when utilizing the same structure in manufacturing, as described in Streaming Knowledge Answer for Amazon Kinesis.

To achieve entry to the OpenSearch dashboard, we have to use a bastion host that’s deployed in the identical personal subnet inside your digital personal cloud (VPC) as your OpenSearch Service cluster. To attach with the bastion host, we use Session Supervisor, a functionality of Amazon Techniques Supervisor, which permits us to connect with our bastion host securely with out having to open inbound ports. To entry it, we use Session Supervisor to port ahead the OpenSearch dashboard to our localhost.

The walkthrough consists of the next high-level steps:

  1. Create the Flink software by constructing the JAR file.
  2. Deploy the AWS CDK stack.
  3. Arrange and hook up with OpenSearch Dashboards.
  4. Arrange the streaming producer.


For this walkthrough, it’s best to have the next stipulations:

Implementation particulars

This part focuses on the Flink software code of this resolution. Yow will discover the code on GitHub. The file contained in the flink-async-bedrock listing file serves as entry level to the appliance. The applying makes use of the FlinkKinesisConsumer, which is a connector for studying streaming knowledge from a Kinesis Knowledge Stream. It applies a map transformation to transform every enter string into an occasion of Assessment class object, leading to DataStream<Assessment> to ease processing.

The Flink software makes use of the helper class AsyncDataStream outlined within the file to include an asynchronous, exterior operation into Flink. Extra particularly, the next code creates an asynchronous knowledge stream by making use of the AsyncBedrockRequest operate to every component within the inputReviewStream. The applying makes use of unorderedWait to improve throughput and scale back idle time as a result of occasion ordering isn’t required. The timeout is about to 25,000 milliseconds to offer the Amazon Bedrock API sufficient time to course of lengthy evaluations. The utmost concurrency or capability is restricted to 1,000 requests at a time. See the next code:

DataStream<ProcessedReview> processedReviewStream = AsyncDataStream.unorderedWait(inputReviewStream, new AsyncBedrockRequest(applicationProperties), 25000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, 1000).uid("processedReviewStream");

The Flink software initiates asynchronous calls to the Amazon Bedrock API, invoking the Anthropic Claude 3 Haiku basis mannequin for every incoming occasion. We use Anthropic Claude 3 Haiku on Amazon Bedrock as a result of it’s Anthropic’s quickest and most compact mannequin for near-instant responsiveness. The next code snippet is a part of the file and illustrates how we arrange the required configuration to name the Anthropic’s Claude Messages API to invoke the mannequin:

public void asyncInvoke(Assessment assessment, last ResultFuture<ProcessedReview> resultFuture) throws Exception {

    // [..]

    JSONObject user_message = new JSONObject()
        .put("function", "person")
        .put("content material", "<assessment>" + reviewText + "</assessment>");

    JSONObject assistant_message = new JSONObject()
        .put("function", "assistant")
        .put("content material", "{");

    JSONArray messages = new JSONArray()

    String payload = new JSONObject()
            .put("system", systemPrompt)
            .put("anthropic_version", "bedrock-2023-05-31")
            .put("temperature", 0.0)
            .put("max_tokens", 4096)
            .put("messages", messages)

    InvokeModelRequest request = InvokeModelRequest.builder()

    CompletableFuture<InvokeModelResponse> completableFuture = shopper.invokeModel(request)
            .whenComplete((response, exception) -> {
                if (exception != null) {
                    LOG.error("Mannequin invocation failed: " + exception);
            .orTimeout(250000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

Immediate engineering

The applying makes use of superior immediate engineering strategies to information the generative AI mannequin’s responses and supply constant responses. The next immediate is designed to extract a abstract in addition to a sentiment from a single assessment:

String systemPrompt = 
     "Summarize the assessment throughout the <assessment> tags 
     right into a single and concise sentence alongside the sentiment 
     that's both optimistic or adverse. Return a sound JSON object with 
     following keys: abstract, sentiment. 
     <instance> {"abstract": "The reviewer strongly dislikes the film, 
     discovering it unrealistic, preachy, and very boring to observe.", 
     "sentiment": "adverse"} 

The immediate instructs the Anthropic Claude mannequin to return the extracted sentiment and abstract in JSON format. To take care of constant and well-structured output by the generative AI mannequin, the immediate makes use of numerous immediate engineering strategies to enhance the output. For instance, the immediate makes use of XML tags to supply a clearer construction for Anthropic Claude. Furthermore, the immediate comprises an instance to reinforce Anthropic Claude’s efficiency and information it to provide the specified output. As well as, the immediate pre-fills Anthropic Claude’s response by pre-filling the Assistant message. This system helps present a constant output format. See the next code:

JSONObject assistant_message = new JSONObject()
    .put("function", "assistant")
    .put("content material", "{");

Construct the Flink software

Step one is to obtain the repository and construct the JAR file of the Flink software. Full the next steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your required workspace:
    git clone

  2. Transfer to the right listing contained in the downloaded repository and construct the Flink software:
    cd flink-async-bedrock && mvn clear bundle

Building Jar File

Maven will compile the Java supply code and bundle it in a distributable JAR format within the listing flink-async-bedrock/goal/ named flink-async-bedrock-0.1.jar. After you deploy your AWS CDK stack, the JAR file can be uploaded to Amazon Easy Storage Service (Amazon S3) to create your Managed Service for Apache Flink software.

Deploy the AWS CDK stack

After you construct the Flink software, you’ll be able to deploy your AWS CDK stack and create the required sources:

  1. Transfer to the right listing cdk and deploy the stack:
    cd cdk && npm set up & cdk deploy

This can create the required sources in your AWS account, together with the Managed Service for Apache Flink software, Kinesis Knowledge Stream, OpenSearch Service cluster, and bastion host to rapidly hook up with OpenSearch Dashboards, deployed in a personal subnet inside your VPC.

  1. Pay attention to the output values. The output will look much like the next:
 ✅  StreamingGenerativeAIStack

✨  Deployment time: 1414.26s

StreamingGenerativeAIStack.BastionHostBastionHostIdC743CBD6 = i-0970816fa778f9821
StreamingGenerativeAIStack.accessOpenSearchClusterOutput = aws ssm start-session --target i-0970816fa778f9821 --document-name AWS-StartPortForwardingSessionToRemoteHost --parameters '{"portNumber":["443"],"localPortNumber":["8157"], "host":[""]}'
StreamingGenerativeAIStack.bastionHostIdOutput = i-0970816fa778f9821
StreamingGenerativeAIStack.domainEndpoint =
StreamingGenerativeAIStack.regionOutput = us-east-1
Stack ARN:
arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:<AWS Account ID>:stack/StreamingGenerativeAIStack/3dec75f0-cc9e-11ee-9b16-12348a4fbf87

✨  Whole time: 1418.61s

Arrange and hook up with OpenSearch Dashboards

Subsequent, you’ll be able to arrange and hook up with OpenSearch Dashboards. That is the place the Flink software will write the extracted sentiment in addition to the abstract from the processed assessment stream. Full the next steps:

  1. Run the next command to determine connection to OpenSearch out of your native workspace in a separate terminal window. The command could be discovered as output named accessOpenSearchClusterOutput.
    • For Mac/Linux, use the next command:
aws ssm start-session --target <BastionHostId> --document-name AWS-StartPortForwardingSessionToRemoteHost --parameters '{"portNumber":["443"],"localPortNumber":["8157"], "host":["<OpenSearchDomainHost>"]}'

    • For Home windows, use the next command:
aws ssm start-session ^
    —goal <BastionHostId> ^
    —document-name AWS-StartPortForwardingSessionToRemoteHost ^    
    —parameters host="<OpenSearchDomainHost>",portNumber="443",localPortNumber="8157"

It ought to look much like the next output:

Session Manager CLI

  1. Create the required index in OpenSearch by issuing the next command:
    • For Mac/Linux, use the next command:
curl --location -k --request PUT https://localhost:8157/processed_reviews 
--header 'Content material-Sort: software/json' 
--data-raw '{
  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
        "reviewId": {"sort": "integer"},
        "userId": {"sort": "key phrase"},
        "abstract": {"sort": "key phrase"},
        "sentiment": {"sort": "key phrase"},
        "dateTime": {"sort": "date"}}}}}'

    • For Home windows, use the next command:
$url = https://localhost:8157/processed_reviews
$headers = @{
    "Content material-Sort" = "software/json"
$physique = @{
    "mappings" = @{
        "properties" = @{
            "reviewId" = @{ "sort" = "integer" }
            "userId" = @{ "sort" = "key phrase" }
            "abstract" = @{ "sort" = "key phrase" }
            "sentiment" = @{ "sort" = "key phrase" }
            "dateTime" = @{ "sort" = "date" }
} | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3
Invoke-RestMethod -Methodology Put -Uri $url -Headers $headers -Physique $physique -SkipCertificateCheck

  1. After the session is established, you’ll be able to open your browser and navigate to https://localhost:8157/_dashboards. Your browser may think about the URL not safe. You’ll be able to ignore this warning.
  2. Select Dashboards Administration beneath Administration within the navigation pane.
  3. Select Saved objects within the sidebar.
  4. Import export.ndjson, which could be discovered within the sources folder throughout the downloaded repository.

OpenSearch Dashboards Upload

  1. After you import the saved objects, you’ll be able to navigate to Dashboards beneath My Dashboard within the navigation pane.

In the mean time, the dashboard seems clean since you haven’t uploaded any assessment knowledge to OpenSearch but.

Arrange the streaming producer

Lastly, you’ll be able to arrange the producer that can be streaming assessment knowledge to the Kinesis Knowledge Stream and in the end to the OpenSearch Dashboards. The Giant Film Assessment Dataset was initially revealed in 2011 within the paper “Studying Phrase Vectors for Sentiment Evaluation” by Andrew L. Maas, Raymond E. Daly, Peter T. Pham, Dan Huang, Andrew Y. Ng, and Christopher Potts. Full the next steps:

  1. Obtain the Giant Film Assessment Dataset right here.
  2. After the obtain is full, extract the .tar.gz file to retrieve the folder named aclImdb 3 or comparable that comprises the assessment knowledge. Rename the assessment knowledge folder to aclImdb.
  3. Transfer the extracted dataset to knowledge/ contained in the repository that you just beforehand downloaded.

Your repository ought to appear to be the next screenshot.

Folder Overview

  1. Modify the DATA_DIR path in producer/ if the assessment knowledge is called in another way.
  2. Transfer to the producer listing utilizing the next command:
  3. Set up the required dependencies and begin producing the info:
    pip set up -r necessities.txt && python

The OpenSearch dashboard needs to be populated after you begin producing streaming knowledge and writing it to the Kinesis Knowledge Stream. Refresh the dashboard to view the most recent knowledge. The dashboard exhibits the overall variety of processed evaluations, the sentiment distribution of the processed evaluations in a pie chart, and the abstract and sentiment for the most recent evaluations which were processed.

When you have got a better have a look at the Flink software, you’ll discover that the appliance marks the sentiment area with the worth error at any time when there’s an error with the asynchronous name made by Flink to the Amazon Bedrock API. The Flink software merely filters the accurately processed evaluations and writes them to the OpenSearch dashboard.

For sturdy error dealing with, it’s best to write any incorrectly processed evaluations to a separate output stream and never discard them utterly. This separation permits you to deal with failed evaluations in another way than profitable ones for easier reprocessing, evaluation, and troubleshooting.

Clear up

Whenever you’re completed with the sources you created, full the next steps:

  1. Delete the Python producer utilizing Ctrl/Command + C.
  2. Destroy your AWS CDK stack by returning to the foundation folder and working the next command in your terminal:
  3. When requested to substantiate the deletion of the stack, enter sure.


On this submit, you discovered how one can incorporate generative AI capabilities in your streaming structure utilizing Amazon Bedrock and Managed Service for Apache Flink utilizing asynchronous requests. We additionally gave steering on immediate engineering to derive the sentiment from textual content knowledge utilizing generative AI. You’ll be able to construct this structure by deploying the pattern code from the GitHub repository.

For extra data on how one can get began with Managed Service for Apache Flink, discuss with Getting began with Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink (DataStream API). For particulars on how one can arrange Amazon Bedrock, discuss with Arrange Amazon Bedrock. For different posts on Managed Service for Apache Flink, flick thru the AWS Huge Knowledge Weblog.

In regards to the Authors

Felix John is a Options Architect and knowledge streaming skilled at AWS, based mostly in Germany. He focuses on supporting small and medium companies on their cloud journey. Exterior of his skilled life, Felix enjoys taking part in Floorball and mountaineering within the mountains.

Michelle Mei-Li Pfister is a Options Architect at AWS. She is supporting clients in retail and client packaged items (CPG) trade on their cloud journey. She is keen about subjects round knowledge and machine studying.

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