GitHub Copilot for CLI for PowerShell

GitHub Subsequent has this cool challenge that’s mainly Copilot for the CLI (command line interface). You possibly can join their waitlist on the Copilot for CLI web site.

Copilot for CLI gives three shell instructions: ??, git? and gh?

That is cool and all, however I exploit PowerShell. Seems these ?? instructions are simply router instructions to a bigger EXE known as github-copilot-cli. So for those who go “?? one thing” you are actually going “github-copilot-cli what-the-shell one thing.”

So this implies I ought to be capable to to do the identical/comparable aliases for my PowerShell immediate AND change the injected immediate (have a look at me I am a immediate engineer) so as to add ‘use powershell to.’

Now it is not good, however hopefully it’s going to make the purpose to the Copilot CLI group that PowerShell wants love additionally.

Listed below are my aliases. Be at liberty to recommend if these suck. Notice the addition of “consumer powershell to” for the ?? one. I’ll make a ?? and a p? the place one does bash and one does PowerShell. I might even have it use wsl.exe and shell out to bash. Numerous prospects.

perform ?? { 
$TmpFile = New-TemporaryFile
github-copilot-cli what-the-shell ('use powershell to ' + $args) --shellout $TmpFile
if ([System.IO.File]::Exists($TmpFile)) {
$TmpFileContents = Get-Content material $TmpFile
if ($TmpFileContents -ne $nill) {
Invoke-Expression $TmpFileContents
Take away-Merchandise $TmpFile

perform git? {
$TmpFile = New-TemporaryFile
github-copilot-cli git-assist $args --shellout $TmpFile
if ([System.IO.File]::Exists($TmpFile)) {
$TmpFileContents = Get-Content material $TmpFile
if ($TmpFileContents -ne $nill) {
Invoke-Expression $TmpFileContents
Take away-Merchandise $TmpFile
perform gh? {
$TmpFile = New-TemporaryFile
github-copilot-cli gh-assist $args --shellout $TmpFile
if ([System.IO.File]::Exists($TmpFile)) {
$TmpFileContents = Get-Content material $TmpFile
if ($TmpFileContents -ne $nill) {
Invoke-Expression $TmpFileContents
Take away-Merchandise $TmpFile

It additionally then provides to run the command. Very clean.


Hope you prefer it. Numerous enjoyable stuff occurring on this area.

About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, advisor, father, diabetic, and Microsoft worker. He’s a failed stand-up comedian, a cornrower, and a ebook creator.

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