macos – Highlight not useful

Sonoma 14.4.1 right here, on MacBook Professional M1.

Highlight (cmd+spacebar and from the menubar) can’t discover any file. It solely finds (typically) the apps within the /Software folder. Correspondingly, search in Mail additionally doesn’t work. Solely search with Finder can discover recordsdata.

Earlier than you reply with concepts let me inform what I attempted, with short-term and/or blended success. (All that follows, in varied mixture and alone)

  1. sudo mdutil -X / and mdutil -E /
  2. sudo mdutil -i on after which off
  3. reboot
  4. create new account and see
  5. kill and restart the processes corespotlightd and Highlight
  6. examine in syslog and different logs to see if there may be any clue. Nothing apparent.
  7. additionally add after which take away the entire disk, or solely my own residence listing, within the “Privateness” in System setting.
  8. reinstall all of Dropbox, OneDrive (simply in case!)

Generally, after (1) I get some hits for a couple of minutes after which it’s all once more again to zero. Generally after (5) I get some hits and after a couple of minutes again to zero.

Generally it appears to be indexing after (1), however a lot of the instances nothing actually occurs.

I am unable to improve as a result of coverage administration prevents replace (however I do have admin entry to the pc, so I can run sudo).

I’m working out of concepts.

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