macos – Unable to execute arara (a TeX automation device) from the Terminal


I am unable to execute arara (a command that’s a part of the TeXLive distribution) from the Terminal utilizing bash shell.

I can execute tex which resides in the identical listing.

Evans-iMac:~ evanaad$ cd ~
Evans-iMac:~ evanaad$ which tex
Evans-iMac:~ evanaad$ echo $PATH
Evans-iMac:~ evanaad$ ls /Library/TeX/texbin
amstex              mkofm
arara               mkpic
arlatex             mkt1font
fragmaster          teckit_compile
gbklatex            tex
gbkpdflatex         tex2aspc
Evans-iMac:~ evanaad$ which arara
Evans-iMac:~ evanaad$ arara --version
-bash: arara: command not discovered

My pc is iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2013) with some {hardware} upgrades
My OS is macOS Catalina v. 10.15.7
My TeXLive model is TeX 3.141592653 (TeX Dwell 2024)
I’ve jdk put in java 19.0.2 2023-01-17 (that is, afaik, the newest model that may be put in on macOS Catalina)

I don’t know why this occurs.

How can I rectify this?


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