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Home » Why you’re shedding cash when your drone shouldn’t be within the air…

Why you’re shedding cash when your drone shouldn’t be within the air…

Illustration Courtesy of Modovolo

At Modovolo, we’ve shamelessly stolen this from the playbook of Southwest Airways. You see, 40 years in the past, Southwest discovered that folks pay airways to fly them locations.

Sounds easy – and it’s – however it was a elementary revelation as a result of Southwest then realized that if, for instance, a airplane might fly to 10 areas in a day as an alternative of 5,  it might be like having two planes in a single and Southwest might promote extra tickets – and earn more money.  

The trick then was to maintain the airplane within the air as a lot as potential.

It’s why Southwest developed a playbook for the “10-minute turnaround.” Southwest thought: when the airplane pulls into the jetway, let’s get the passengers off the airplane, clear the seats and flooring, refuel the airplane, and re-load the airplane with new passengers – all beneath 10 minutes – then we are able to get the airplane again within the air.  

This meant that the airplane was within the air. Rather a lot. Making a living.

And since Southwest’s planes are within the air way over its rivals, Southwest has at all times been worthwhile (aside from 2020 throughout Covid) and has at all times grown its revenues. Its rivals’ planes spend extra time on the tarmac and people rivals have spotty data of profitability.

The lesson is that: a airplane within the air is getting cash. And a airplane on the tarmac is shedding cash.

The identical lesson applies to drone operations. Your drone must be within the air so that you can take images, do the inspection, unfold insecticide, and so on. – and identical to Southwest, the longer it’s within the air, the extra worthwhile you’ll be.

You might be identical to Southwest’s rivals in case you have a drone with a brief flight time. Your “airplane is on the tarmac” and you’re shedding cash.

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